Growing up, I was not your normal city girl.
I was a tomboy from the word "go". My friends were boys. I read boy's books. I absolutely loathed anything even remotely feminine. I wasn't gay, nor am I now. I was just a girl who was not girly.
What I was, from the very start, was horse crazy. Despite having been born in urban Detroit to two very non-horsey parents, all I wanted was a horse. I'm certain my first words were "I want a pony". When a western was showing on the TV, I watched for the horses. I pretended I was a upper body the rider, with reins in my fists, my lower body the horse, which trotted and cantered and even jumped. I learned to draw horses, indeed, it's the only thing I CAN draw. I designed my stable and ranch. I had plans on owning dozens of horses...chestnuts. Bays. Racehorses. Cowponies. I had names for every one. In first grade, I was reading at 4th grade level, and devoured every horse book in the library.
Having been born the first week in May, I was convinced that the Kentucky Derby was run for my personal pleasure.
I made plans that someday, I would ride a horse from Michigan all the way to the Rocky Mountains, where I'd buy a ranch and raise horses.
My mother tried desperately to convince me that I was a girl. Putting me in dresses, buying me baby dolls: all that did was make me miserable. She tried to console my longing with dogs. I didn't want a dog. I wanted a horse.
My younger sister was a girl. She had dolls, she liked to play dress up, later on, she sneered that because I refused to design my wedding dress that I'd never get married.
Wellllll, I'm on husband #3 and haven't designed a wedding dress yet...nor did I ever wear one.
I remember my mother saying in despair, where did this passion for horses come from in you? Why don't you just accept that you're a girl in the city?
As children will when they are told by their family that something is wrong with their dreams, I had come to believe that loving horses was something to be ashamed of. So, while I still rebelled at my sister and mother trying to turn me into a girl, I began to keep my passion hidden. But I swore that someday I wouldn't be a girl in the city, but a girl in the country with a hundred horses.
Well, now I am a woman in her sixties. I live in the country with plenty of room for horses, no longer want a hundred of them. One will do just fine.
And now, I believe that I can finally answer my mother's question of 'why was I so horse crazy'.
The picture at the top of this post is the last of a series of four that my mother had hanging on the wall of my childhood home. I believe she'd gotten the four as a wedding gift. How I came to be in possession of this last one...the other three are long gone, I don't know...but I have it.
I don't know who painted it when, but judging by the clothing and the woman riding side saddle (a mode of riding I will NEVER do. I always felt sorry for the woman who was forced to ride that way, solely because some male decided it wasn't right for women to ride astride.) I believe it is set sometime during the Victorian era in England.
The only other artwork that I can remember in the house was religious...which probably is why I became an atheist in second grade.
So I believe that my mind was affected early on, perhaps as a toddler by a set of four lithographs, all showing the most amazing, incredible animal on the planet...the horse.
For some reason, I couldn't comment on this post on Wordpress and seem to have missed your previous couple of posts. Really sorry to hear you had been going through such a hard time - also did wonder whether wildfires had reached your area, but glad you are safe.
On this post, my first thought was - and please don't take this the wrong way - you often see these lovely old hunting prints in traditional English inns. So I am very glad the influence it had on you was inspiring a lifelong love of horses and not a fondness for drinking in "pubs"! Not that there's anything wrong with that. I really miss them as a convivial meeting place - French bars are just not the same - even when you could go out! Best regards, C
I will try to fix that, C. I am still a novice when it comes to 'programming' anything on the computer. The argot is just beyond me.
I won't take your comment 'the wrong way'. I don't even know how, honestly! I imagine the hunting prints were...and are..on the walls of TEI..traditional English Inns. I wish I could see something this nice in anything in America...but no, if there's 'art' on the walls it's usually something to do with one of the many inane sports that American males indulge in...grown men chasing balls. Now if there was a spot that had , for instance,pictures of horse racing, or steeplechase, or yes, the best, cross country eventing, THAT would be my 'go to' place!
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